Thursday, 31 March 2016

Applying A Wakening Vision

"Have the vision and know to be honest with how much you're applying yourself in its wake."


How we define wake on Google is:
  1. 1.
    emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping.
    "she woke up feeling better"

In the 'New' Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, it provides such synonyms for wake as:
activate, animated, arouse, awake, awaken, call, enkindle, excite, kindle, prod, revive, rouse, stimulate, stir and of course wake.

So it is that the English language repeats itself.  In the provided Google example, "she woke up feeling better," it could be implied that her waking up activated, animated, revived and excited her, and so she felt better.  It could simply be said, "she woke up," and in using the verb waking, we could assume all its synonyms apply.

Yet, we don't always wake up animated, excited, enkindled with liveliness.  Why is that?  When the body's resting, it should be rested upon waking, surely.  Is the mind resting too?  A more difficult question to answer, though fairly obvious at the same time.  The states we revive within us, whether we remember them or they come to happen of spontaneous manner, are the states that we live.

Having a vision of the way you want to go about your life can be helpful.  It doesn't mean that you are stuck to this idea.  You use it as a spring board to propel yourself whenever the application of your faculties ceases to inspire you.  Have the vision and know to be honest with how much you're applying yourself in its wake.

We want to fashion our thoughts to fruitful efforts, and direct our energy with intelligence.  Being able to imagine yourself at the end of the line may be an easier way to start walking.  You may not get to that end result any quicker, which will be different than you can picture it anyway.  With a vision, you can encourage yourself to continue on the path.  The path is our greatest joy.  It is the state we live.  To get behind on the path or to rush forward is part of that same path.  It is the present one, the one who is awake, that will see these things and walk fruitfully with an ever-adapting vision. Ultimately, it's how you apply yourself.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Remember Nature's Harmony

"When we begin to come back towards our recalling of this, we remember the best of ourselves."



In The Art Spirit by Robert Henri, we are reminded again that we must remember.  We must be kind to ourselves, for we are telling tales through our lives that have never been told.  Each breath is a life, arising and passing away.  Where are we taught to live in line with these laws of impermanence and harmony?  Only in nature, it would seem.

These laws are something that man has to remember at first, unlike the animal which is in harmony as it must be.  Man, or human beings, have to water this memory until it grows from a tiny flower into a beautiful tree with thick roots and thick branches.  He must recall these laws in his mind again and again until there is no action through himself that is contrary to these principles in each breath and each life he embodies.

Without being taught, how does one remember these laws?  They are not laws that we 'forget' in the sense of forgetting to have them work as they should.  The laws are principles of nature.  We did not create them, but we abide by them.  If a man is clumsy in his undertakings and did not abide to these laws, his actions would be those that are not in harmony with the law of arising and passing away.  Therefore, these actions would be naturally narrow and ultimately frivolous.

A man may know these laws with the intellect.  He may see the tree and its leaves fall.  He may see the snow rise on the ground and melt in the spring, or the sun alive for the season of summer.  Either way, his insights are not something he carries at the root of his being. Rather, a view of it being outside himself will arrest any development of this principle within himself.  When I say development, I again don't mean that he makes these laws work.  He must work as they do in order to live these laws, to live them in the next step of remembering.

Remembering is a gathering principle.  Re-member.  Anyone who enrolls in a membership in a principle that is not conducive to a relationship with nature and the nature of change within himself, will be lost.  They would feel that they are alien to the environment they inhabit.  To feel that way about the outer world is one thing, but to feel the same with the body itself would amount to tremendous confusion.  To return to Robert Henri, we must be prepared at any moment with the total readiness of all our faculties. The highest of these faculties is a quality and understanding of our own physical nature at the physical bodily level. This is the root level of our being, and only seeing it in the world outside this body is no attempt at applying these principles.

When we begin to come back towards our recalling of this, we remember the best of ourselves.  Yet, we know this not in ideas that are beyond us, but as an intrinsic development of who we are as human beings.  Each one of us, an essence of nature as complex as the ocean.  Signs on the path of excellency are what we must carry with us, as extensions of ourselves to continue finding new signs, implicit within our transforming, changing existence.  Always ready for an absolute transformation of all that we are, yet never taking a step beyond the place which we are.  Never stepping further than needed, we float on, moving ever more gracefully to discover new signs of life.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Documenting That's Happening

"It's you, and you're it, and that's that.  That's the magic of art."


This is my incubator for ideas.  With this blog I will be showing you the process of my thoughts and understanding of the world, as much as that is.  I'm telling myself, "Don't underestimate yourself. Be a master at whatever level you're at, right now."  In this telling, I have to accredit myself a master at blogging and a master at living. For if I were not living a fully creative life, such that I've accounted that I am living in this documenting, then you would not read this. You wouldn't start to listen to me if you had any reasoning at all.

At this point I'm starting to sound a bit like Lemony Snicket's book ends.  Turn away from this page now if you have any common sense, so you don't have to listen to someone talking about 'what is'. What is that all about?  When the birds sing, they sing.  There's no musical melody they're 'coming up with,' to use later.  It's coming up with it then and there, and as if it's just a happening by itself.  I suppose there is beauty in that, if you're with it.  Then, it's like watching a movie and imagining your place in it.  When you are with it, there is no imagining, because you're placed in it.  It's you, and you're it, and that's that.  That's the magic of art.

So to go back to my first point.  I'm writing as if I'm just writing. Or at least I intend to do that, whether I'm intending to do that intending or not.  Now, to document a process that is happening is a difficult task, especially if you are the one who is doing it.  What am I talking about?  Let me explain, in and with words.  When I say, "I love you," it is only when I end with you that you know what's happening.  It is a mystery when I say I, because anything in the world can be that.  When I start with 'what is' then I'm nowhere to be found.  You happens by itself.  Love happens by itself.  I happens by itself.  We only understand it after we've streamlined it backwards, taking each into a piece and placing it within another for its context.

See what I mean.  It's difficult to document a process that is happening.  This incubator of ideas (this blog) is an invention itself, gathering context within itself to be cross-referenced with other pieces that exist in life.  How can I use all this cross-referencing, and at the same time be seeing life with fresh eyes, active and alert in the changing phenomenon that is 'this happening'.  So, what next?

I could be a master at this blogging, by being a master at where I'm at.  I will not be a master at it, ever, if I am not this latter master, because there in is the foundation and the substance of anything the blog could ever accomplish.  In the process of making a blog, when attending my every moment, I am continuing to be of substance, foundation and living-life.  At least, that's the intending case, as much as I attend to it.  Without it, I am a ghost under a rug.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Self-Expression, Existence and Life as Medium

"I come to the page fresh each day with what I have and must say.  I say what I mean to say, what I think, what I feel and what I am now."


I scribbled these words on one of my favorite supplies this morning.  As I wrote it, my pen jumped back from the paper and stopped.  It was in this hesitation that I also began to form other ways of saying this sentence.  My mind wandered.  The doubt was there for a moment, as if I didn't know what I meant to say.  What I was writing at that moment was, "I say what I mean to say," and so I continued, knowing that I have to walk the talk, or there would be no reason to write.  I knew that the first way that that line came to me was the way I meant to say it, so I wrote it that way.

For me, this can easily translate into seeing what is, and not a concept of it.  As you may hear my words and translate them according to what you think I'm saying.  This is in fact necessary for you to understand them.  Intelligence loves analogy.  However, it is often over looked that you are not looking at what I'm saying, but how I'm saying it, by means contrived.  Whatever it is that you think about the writer, yourself, the situation in which it's found in, and many other ideas, alters the path of your viewing.  It can be the most ordinary, simple thing, and suddenly it's a concept, from which to work back from, without the basis of reality.

This is the difficulty with 'self-expression' as I will call it here.  With my aim to translate any accountable experience or understanding into words or any medium or language, I am coming to it with conclusions.  Thus, my learning of the thing itself is being halted by my own consequential thoughts.  It is in this mode that people will go into a certain medium and learn it well so that they can speak unclouded by a lack of understanding of the medium in which they're expressing.  Though, when the medium that we are discussing is not a medium, but one medium containing all mediums, how do you discuss it, for one.  And for two, how do you train to be more intuitive with it?

That medium I refer to is life.  Existence itself.  If I were to come fresh to existence itself each day, what would I say?  What would my clarity amount to in terms of explanation that I will fit into a page or anything at all that someone could relate to?  That question already has a conclusion based idea on it, because we've brought in the aspect of time, relative to what I'm referring to in that statement. What 'production' or 'display' of this process could you deliver in a time-free-ness?  There would be no concluding of event preceding event or object standing above or elsewhere among other objects, identifying it as one idea over or against another.

The whole mess of it would be visible always.  It IS visible always.  To even discuss LIFE as a thing is getting behind on the point, yet, that is the only way to discuss it as the thing we're discussing.  We can discuss it with the acknowledgement that we are part of it, but that also puts a concept over us and it, even if those concepts are put together.  So, without the basis of reality, which is all things not contrived, there is no understanding.

As it is, to say that I come to a page free to feel and express what I am now, is a bit of a misconception.  I'm coming to the page in the act of writing.  And even then, what does that imply?  It implies that the page is there, and the writing is the act of perception or expression that is lived through in that moment.  The living of a person implies all things.  There is not a moment where we do not exist.  Therefore, not a moment where we are not expressing ourselves.  All things are expressive and expressing.  Yet, why do we do things, such as write?  That question is mu.  It is the wrong question, as the whole of it implies that the 'doing of whatever it is' is different from us that does it.  We 'mark' it in existence in conceptual ideas, but in reality, there is no change, because all is changing.

As I come to this blog, I wonder these things.  Does my sharing match my understanding? Will I conceptualize my thoughts into bubbles by the containment of the mess of life on a webpage for others to internalize?  Would I be stumbling into this with a patient delivery, or climbing a rock wall just to see a longer destiny which I have not reached?  I am on the path of nobility, and the path of nobody and nothing.  As my heart feels that I am everyone and everything, my intellect tells me that I am nobody and nothing.  Such contradictions reach their crescendos in me on a daily basis, it seems. These changes will either be investigated or ignored, but as you can see, I am already investigating. There's no purpose to ignorance anymore.  It doesn't match my understanding.  It doesn't share my existence.