Thus the teacher, with a seed, launches an inspiration for you to water this seed yourself. As you water it, the seed will eventually become a tree that can bear fruit, and a fruited tree is unique to itself and inevitably a seed bringer for others like it. The seed also brings the essence of the tree into being at the moment it calls for water. That to which it inspires, is a spark. It brings more of the same, with change.
What kinds of seeds are you attracted to? These are the desires of our lives. The momentous qualities that we accept or deny as an infusion into what we embody in our day to day lives. What is it that transforms us into a more beautiful, graceful individual(s)? These sparks, the very existence of them, inspire me, and today I thought about what it is that these are in themselves.
A spark like this comes in many forms. One form is words. One can express words from their quality or essence of energy that expresses these words. The words themselves can be picked up in many ways, and sometimes in a way that is a powerful energetic change. Someone speaks in a way that brings light to something you knew, but couldn't place into words. The vocabulary of another can acknowledge the place your own has in the ability to understand and express your understandings, as they are recognized. You can see the power of words in another only because you have different or similar language in expressing the similar but different understandings within yourself.
In this way, sparks are all around us, everywhere we have a sense. The acknowledgement of them is a tool of reflecting on what it is they are for oneself. There's a sense of learning about yourself in relationship with yourself with everything you also relate to. That's always transforming and it is in this place that I acknowledge the tremendous beauty in discovering the sparks that help discover and uncover my true Self.